ERROR'); print ('

'); print ('PHP is running in "Safe Mode" which prevents'); print ('Wimpy from performing necessary functions such as'); print ('automatically reading the contents of a directory."'); print ('

'); print ('Check with your hosting provider to see if they can'); print ('turn off "Safe Mode" for your account."'); } if(!@session_id()){ @session_start(); } //print ("
//print_r ($_SERVER);
//print ("
"); // // // available at // // 2002-2006 plaino // // // // // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // INSTALLATION: // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Upload rave.php and rave.swf to the folder that // contains your mp3's. // // USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. // $wimpyVersion = "3.0.101"; $wimpyConfigFile = "raveConfigs.xml"; $wimpyJavascriptFile = "rave.js"; $wimpySwf = "rave.swf"; $wimpy_auth = "wimpy_auth.php"; $media_types = "flv,mp4,3gp,m4a,m4a,m4p,aac,mp3,swf,xml,m3u,pls"; $hide_keywords = "skin,wimpy,config,customizer,source,plugin"; // // findAllMedia / findAllMediaBlock // To enable "findAllMedia" this variable needs to be set to "false" // Example: // $findAllMediaBlock = false; $findAllMediaBlock = true; // // startDir / startDirBlock // To enable "startDir" this variable needs to be set to "false" // Example: // $startDirBlock = false; $startDirBlock = true; // // httpOption // Allows you to run wimpy in "https" mode; //$httpOption = "https"; $httpOption = "http"; // // blockPHPinfo // Setting this value to 'Yes' will prevent anyone // to view your phpinfo() page by adding the correct ?request to the URL. // viewing the PHP info is only used for troubleshooting first installs. $blockPHPinfo = "no"; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Do not edit anything below here unless // // you really know what you are doing! // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //> define("newline", "\r\n"); define("slash", "/"); $flashVersion = "8"; $default_width = "250"; $default_height = "290"; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // security and request clean // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // prevent certain extensions from being downloaded function secureFiles($fileName, $extCheck){ $ext = explode('.',$fileName); $myExt = strtolower($ext[sizeof($ext)-1]); if(strtolower($myExt) != strtolower($extCheck)){ return false; } else { return true; } if ((!ereg('\.\.', $fileName)) && (file_exists($fileName))) { return true; } else { return false; } } // strip hacker requests function striphack($string){ $retval = $string; //* $retval = strip_tags(stripslashes(rawurldecode(utf8_decode($retval)))); $retval = strip_tags($retval); $retval = str_replace("sscanf", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("base64_decode", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("rawurldecode", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("urldecode", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("0;", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("%5C", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("\n", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("\r", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("\t", "x", $retval); $retval = str_replace("\\", "x", $retval); $retval = ereg_replace("\.+/", "x", $retval); $retval = ereg_replace("\.\.","x",$retval); $retval = ereg_replace("^[\/]+", "x", $retval); //*/ return $retval; } function secureArray($array_in){ if(@is_array($array_in)){ foreach ($array_in as $key => $value){ $Atemp[striphack($key)] = striphack($value); } } else { $Atemp = $array_in; } return $array_in; } if ( @get_magic_quotes_gpc () ){ function traverse ( &$arr ){ if ( !is_array ( $arr ) ){ return; } foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ){ is_array ( $arr[$key] ) ? traverse ( $arr[$key] ) : ( $arr[$key] = stripslashes ( $arr[$key] ) ); } } $gpc = array ( &$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST); traverse ( $gpc ); } $_REQUEST = secureArray($_REQUEST); $_GET = secureArray($_GET); $_POST = secureArray($_POST); $_COOKIE = secureArray($_COOKIE); // these get set after default settings below because getid3 and coverartbasename should be over-written by request // // see: (below) /* foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value){ if(in_array($key, $AcheckRequests)){ $$key = $value; } else { unset($$_REQUEST[$key]); } } */ $AcheckRequests = array(); $AcheckRequests[] = "action"; $AcheckRequests[] = "theFile"; $AcheckRequests[] = "theKind"; $AcheckRequests[] = "dir"; $AcheckRequests[] = "getMyid3info"; $AcheckRequests[] = "findAllMedia"; $AcheckRequests[] = "coverartBasename"; $AcheckRequests[] = "s"; if(is_file($wimpy_auth)){ $useAuth = TRUE; require ($wimpy_auth); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FILE PATHS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //strstr( PHP_OS, "WIN") ? $osType = "win" : $osType = "unix"; if(!@getcwd ()){ $WIMPY_PATH['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)); } else { $WIMPY_PATH['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd ()); } if(!isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])){ $_REQUEST = get_defined_vars(); $_SERVER = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; } $Apathtome = explode("/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $wimpyPhp = array_pop($Apathtome); //$pathtome = implode("/", $Apathtome); $WIMPY_PATH['www'] = $httpOption."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].(implode("/", $Apathtome)); /* print ("
print_r ($Apathtome);
print ("
"); print ("
"); print $wimpyPhp; print ("
"); exit; */ $wimpySwf = $WIMPY_PATH['www']."/".$wimpySwf; $wimpyApp = $WIMPY_PATH['www']."/".$wimpyPhp; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DEFAULT SETTINGS / SET CONFIGS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $tptBkgd = "no"; $bkgdColor = "000000"; $hide_folders = "_notes,skins,getid3,_private,_private,_vti_bin,_vti_cnf,_vti_pvt,_vti_txt,cgi-bin"; $hide_files = "skin.xml,wimpyConfigs.xml,raveConfigs.xml,wimpy.swf,rave.swf,wimpyAV.swf,wasp.swf,wimpy_button.swf"; $wimpyHTMLpageTitle = "Wimpy Player"; $displayWidth = 0; $displayHeight = 0; $wimpySkin = ""; $coverartBasename = "coverart.jpg"; $getMyid3info = "no"; $findAllMedia = "no"; foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value){ if(in_array($key, $AcheckRequests)){ $$key = $value; } else { unset($$_REQUEST[$key]); } } // Vars that should not be over-written by an external wimpyConfigs.xml file: $retainLocalVars = Array("hide_folders", "hide_files"); $AdefaultVisual = explode(".", $coverartBasename); $defaultVisualBaseName = $AdefaultVisual[0]; $defaultVisualExt = $AdefaultVisual[1]; function setCoverartBasenameData(){ global $AdefaultVisual, $defaultVisualBaseName, $defaultVisualExt, $coverartBasename; $AdefaultVisual = explode(".", $coverartBasename); $defaultVisualBaseName = $AdefaultVisual[0]; $defaultVisualExt = $AdefaultVisual[1]; } function file_get_as_string($file){ $file = @file("$file"); return !$file ? false : implode('', $file); } if($data = file_get_as_string($wimpyConfigFile)){ $xml_config_parser = @xml_parser_create(''); @xml_parser_set_option ($xml_config_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false ); @xml_parse_into_struct($xml_config_parser, $data, $vals, $index); @xml_parser_free($xml_config_parser); foreach ($vals as $k=>$v){ if($v['type'] == "complete"){ if(!in_array($v['tag'], $retainLocalVars)){ $$v['tag'] = trim(@$v['value']); } } } $useConfigFile = true; } else { $useConfigFile = false; } // Thse vars need to be set after reading the config file. if(isset($coverartBasename) && $coverartBasename != ""){ setCoverartBasenameData(); } if($findAllMediaBlock){ $findAllMedia = "no"; } if($startDirBlock){ $starDir = ""; } // Only get Skin Info if needed if(!isset($_REQUEST['action'])){ $useSkin = true; if(strlen(@$wimpySkin)>4){ if($data = file_get_as_string($wimpySkin)){ $xml_parser = @xml_parser_create(''); @xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $data, $vals, $index); @xml_parser_free($xml_parser); $displayWidth = @$vals[@$index['BKGD_MAIN'][0]]['attributes']['WIDTH']; $displayHeight = @$vals[@$index['BKGD_MAIN'][0]]['attributes']['HEIGHT']; } else { $useSkin = false; } } else { $useSkin = false; } if($displayWidth<1 || $displayHeight<1){ $useSkin = false; } } if($displayWidth<1 || $displayHeight<1){ $useSkin = false; $displayWidth = $default_width; $displayHeight = $default_height; } if($bkgdColor == ""){ $bkgdColor = "000000"; } if($tptBkgd == "yes"){ $useTptBkgd = true; } else { $useTptBkgd = false; } $WIMPY_PATH['physical'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $WIMPY_PATH['physical']); $WIMPY_PATH['physical'] = str_replace("//", "/", $WIMPY_PATH['physical']); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DIRECTORY READING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $Ahide_files = explode(",",$hide_files); $Ahide_folders = explode(",",$hide_folders); $Amedia_types = explode(",",$media_types); $Akeywords = explode(",",$hide_keywords); function checkKeyWords($Ahaystack, $needle){ foreach($Ahaystack as $value){ if(@stristr(strtolower($needle), strtolower($value))){ return true; } } return false; } function GetDirArrayRecursive($dir, $filter=false) { global $Amedia_types, $Ahide_files, $Ahide_folders, $Akeywords; if($filter){ $Afilter = $filter; } else { $Afilter = $Amedia_types; } $Afiles = array (); if(!$dir || $dir == ""){ $dir = "."; } $handle=@opendir($dir); //$d = dir($dir); if($dir){ while (false !== ($entry = @readdir($handle))){ //while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') { $entry = $dir.'/'.str_replace("\\", "/", $entry); $pathinfo = path_parts($entry); if(is_dir($entry)) { if(!checkKeyWords($Ahide_folders, $pathinfo['basepath']) && !checkKeyWords($Akeywords, $pathinfo['basepath'])){ $Afiles = array_merge($Afiles, GetDirArrayRecursive($entry, $Afilter)); } } else { if(in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['ext']), $Afilter)){ if(!checkKeyWords($Ahide_files, $pathinfo['filename']) && !checkKeyWords($Akeywords, $pathinfo['filename'])){ $Afiles[] = $entry; } } } } } @closedir($handle); //$d->close(); } return $Afiles; } function GetDirArray($dir){ global $Amedia_types, $Ahide_files, $Ahide_folders, $Akeywords; $Asee = array(); $Aitems = array (); $Adirs = array (); $Afiles = array (); $handle=@opendir($dir); //$d = dir(utf8_encode($dir)); if($dir){ while (false !== ($entry = @readdir($handle))){ //while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && substr ($entry, 0, 1 ) != "..") { $entry = $dir.'/'.str_replace("\\", "/", $entry); $pathinfo = path_parts($entry); if(is_dir($entry)) { if(!checkKeyWords($Ahide_folders, $pathinfo['basepath']) && !checkKeyWords($Akeywords, $pathinfo['basepath'])){ $Adirs[] = $entry; } } else { if(in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['ext']), $Amedia_types)){ if(!checkKeyWords($Ahide_files, $pathinfo['filename']) && !checkKeyWords($Akeywords, $pathinfo['filename'])){ $Afiles[] = $entry; } } } } } @closedir($handle); //$d->close(); } $Aitems['dirs'] = $Adirs; $Aitems['files'] = $Afiles; return $Aitems; } function printArray($theArray, $exit=false){ print "
	print "
"; if($exit){ exit; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONVERSION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function asc2hex ($theString) { $temp = $theString; $data = ""; for ($i=0; $i>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128); if($num<65536)return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128); if($num<2097152)return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128) .chr(($num&63)+128); return ''; } function cleanForFlash($theString){ //global $osType; $retval = $theString; //if($osType == "win"){ $retval = asc2hex ($retval); //$retval = str_replace("&", "%26", $retval); //$retval = str_replace("%", "%25", $retval); //} else { //$retval = rawurlencode($theString); //} //$retval = cleanForXML($theString); return $retval; } function cleanForXML($theString){ $retval = $theString; //$retval = cleanForFlash($theString); //$retval = htmlentities($retval); //* //$retval = str_replace("&", "%26", $retval); /* $retval = str_replace("`", "%60", $retval); $retval = str_replace("^", "%5E", $retval); $retval = str_replace("{", "%7B", $retval); $retval = str_replace("}", "%7D", $retval); $retval = str_replace("]", "%5D", $retval); //*/ //* $retval = str_replace("&", "&", $retval); $retval = str_replace("<", "<", $retval); $retval = str_replace(">", ">", $retval); $retval = str_replace("'", "'", $retval); $retval = str_replace('"', """, $retval); $retval = str_replace('', "©", $retval); $retval = str_replace('', "™", $retval); //*/ return $retval; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // XML Playlist // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function returnXMLkeys($AitemInfo){ $retval = ""; foreach($AitemInfo as $key => $val){ $retval .= "<".$key.">".cleanForFlash(trim($val))."".newline; } return $retval; } function makeXMLplaylist($theDir, $recursive=false){ global $WIMPY_PATH, $wimpyApp, $defaultVisualBaseName, $defaultVisualExt; $sPath = utf8_decode(rawurldecode($theDir)); if($recursive){ $AdirList['files'] = GetDirArrayRecursive($sPath); $AdirList['dirs'] = array(); } else { $AdirList = GetDirArray($sPath); } $playlistCoverart = cleanForFlash(lookForVisual($sPath.slash.$defaultVisualBaseName.".".$defaultVisualExt)); $retval = ''.newline; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Directory $Adirs = array(); if(sizeof($AdirList['dirs']) > 0){ for($i=0;$i'.newline; $retval .= $infoFound; $retval .= ''.$Aitem['image'].''.newline; $retval .= ''.$Aitem['date'].''.newline; $retval .= 'dir'.newline; $retval .= "".newline; } else { $Aitem['artist'] = ""; $Aitem['title'] = $path_info['filename']; $Aitem['album'] = ""; $Aitem['seconds'] = ""; $Aitem['link'] = ""; $Aitem['description'] = ""; // Write item XML $retval .= ''.newline; $retval .= returnXMLkeys($Aitem); $retval .= "dir".newline; $retval .= "".newline; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Files $Afiles = array(); if(sizeof($AdirList['files']) > 0){ for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($AdirList['files']); $i++){ $tempName = $AdirList['files'][$i]; $path_info = path_parts($tempName); $Aitem = array(); // Filename // $Aitem['filename'] = filepath2url($tempName); $Aitem['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime ($tempName)); $Aitem['image'] = lookForVisual($path_info['basepath'].slash.$path_info['basename'].".".$defaultVisualExt); $infoFound = lookForInfo($path_info['basepath'].slash.$path_info['basename'].".info"); if($infoFound != false){ $retval .= ''.newline; $retval .= ''.$Aitem['filename'].''.newline; $retval .= $infoFound; $retval .= ''.$Aitem['date'].''.newline; $retval .= ''.$Aitem['image'].''.newline; $retval .= ''.strtolower($path_info['ext']).''.newline; $retval .= "".newline; } else { if(strtolower($path_info['ext']) == "mp3"){ $Aid3 = getID3info4me($tempName); } else { $Aid3 = array(); } // Basic ID3 info: $Aitem['artist'] = @$Aid3['artist']; $Aitem['title'] = (@$Aid3['title'])? @$Aid3['title'] : $path_info['basename']; $Aitem['album'] = @$Aid3['album']; $Aitem['seconds'] = @$Aid3['seconds']; // URL Link // // [comment] = id3v1 // [commentS] = id3v2 // // See if comments contain a URL: if(@substr($Aid3['comment'],0,4) == "http"){ $Aitem['link'] = @$Aid3['comment']; } // Replace ID3v1 with ID3v2 if(@substr($Aid3['comments'],0,4) == "http"){ $Aitem['link'] = @$Aid3['comments']; } // Comments and URL link // // [comment] = id3v1 // [commentS] = id3v2 // if(@substr(@$Aid3['comment'],0,4) != "http" && strlen(@$Aid3['comment']) > 0){ $Aitem['description'] = @$Aid3['comment']; } // Replace ID3v1 with ID3v2 if(@substr(@$Aid3['comments'],0,4) == "http" && strlen(@$Aid3['comments']) > 0){ $Aitem['description'] = @$Aid3['comments']; } // Image // $retval .= ''.newline; $retval .= returnXMLkeys($Aitem); $retval .= ''.strtolower($path_info['ext']).''.newline; $retval .= "".newline; } } } $retval .= "".newline; @clearstatcache(); return $retval; } function path_parts($thePath) { $thePath = str_replace("\\", "/", $thePath); $filepathA = explode("/", $thePath); $filename = array_pop($filepathA); $filepathB = explode(".", $filename); $extension = array_pop($filepathB); $basename = implode(".", $filepathB); $basePath = join("/", $filepathA); $Aret = array(); $Aret['filename'] = $filename; $Aret['ext'] = $extension; $Aret['basename'] = $basename; $Aret['basepath'] = $basePath; return $Aret; } function getID3info4me($theFile_in){ global $getMyid3info, $getID3; if($getMyid3info == "yes"){ $info = $getID3->analyze(urldecode($theFile_in)); getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($info); } else { $info = array(); } $retval = array(); if(sizeof($info)>0){ if(isset($info['comments_html'])){ $Atemp = @$info['comments_html']; foreach($Atemp as $key => $val){ $retval[$key] = $val[0]; } $retval['seconds']=(@$info['playtime_seconds']); } } return $retval; } function lookForVisual($theFile){ global $wimpyApp,$defaultVisualBaseName, $defaultVisualExt, $WIMPY_PATH; $visualFound = ""; if (@is_file($theFile)){ $visualFound = filepath2url($theFile); } return $visualFound; } function lookForInfo($theFile){ global $wimpyApp, $WIMPY_PATH; $retval = ""; if(@is_file($theFile)){ $retval = file_get_as_string($theFile); } return $retval; } function url2filepath($theURL){ global $WIMPY_PATH; $pubPath = str_replace($WIMPY_PATH['www'], "", $theURL); $theFilepath = $WIMPY_PATH['physical'].$pubPath; $theFilepath = str_replace("//", "/", $theFilepath); return $theFilepath; } function filepath2url($theFilepath){ global $WIMPY_PATH; $pubPath = str_replace($WIMPY_PATH['physical'], "", $theFilepath); $theFilepath = $WIMPY_PATH['www'].$pubPath; $theFilepath = str_replace("://", "__:__", $theFilepath); $theFilepath = str_replace("//", "/", $theFilepath); $theFilepath = str_replace("__:__", "://", $theFilepath); return $theFilepath; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WRITE X-HTML // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printXML($theXML){ $XMLlead = '<'.urldecode("%3F").'xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" '.urldecode("%3F").'>'; //* header("Pragma: public", false); header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT", false); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate", false); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); //*/ print (utf8_encode($XMLlead.$theXML)); exit; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ACTIONS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!isset($action)){ $action = ""; } if($action=="getVersion"){ print "Wimpy Player Version: $wimpyVersion"; exit; } else if ($action=="phpinfo"){ if($blockPHPinfo != "yes"){ $retval = phpinfo(); echo "$retval"; exit; } } else if ($action=="getList"){ $Ahide_files = Array(); $Ahide_folders = Array(); $Amedia_types = Array("xml"); $Akeywords = array(); $Axmls = GetDirArrayRecursive(""); //$Axmls = GetDirArrayRecursive("", Array("xml")); $retval = ""; foreach($Axmls as $key=>$val){ $each = strtolower(@XMLkind($val)); $lookup = strtolower($theKind); if($lookup == "playlist"){ if($each == $lookup || $each == "rss"){ $retval .= "".$WIMPY_PATH['www']."/".str_replace("./", "", $val).""; } } else { if($each == $lookup){ $retval .= "".$WIMPY_PATH['www']."/".str_replace("./", "", $val).""; } } } $retval .= ""; printXML($retval); //print ($retval); } else if($action=="getstartupdirlist"){ header("Content-Type: text/html", false); //header("charset: UTF-8"); //header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: UTF-8"); if($getMyid3info == "yes"){ if(is_file('getid3.php')){ require ('getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else if (is_file('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php')){ require ('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else if (is_file(@$getid3libPath)){ require (@$getid3libPath); $getID3 = new getID3; } else { $getMyid3info = "no"; } } $getall = false; if($findAllMedia == "yes"){ $getall = true; } printXML(makeXMLplaylist($WIMPY_PATH['physical'], $getall)); } else if ($action=="dir"){ if($getMyid3info == "yes"){ if(is_file('getid3.php')){ require ('getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else if (is_file('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php')){ require ('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else if (is_file(@$getid3libPath)){ require (@$getid3libPath); $getID3 = new getID3; } else { $getMyid3info = "no"; } } $setDir = @$_REQUEST['dir']; //if(!$setDir || substr ($setDir, 0, 2 ) == ".." || $setDir.substr(0,1) == "/" || $setDir.substr(0,1) == "\\"){ if(!$setDir || substr ($setDir, 0, 2 ) == ".." || substr($setDir, 0, 1) == "/" || substr($setDir, 0, 1) == "\\"){ $setDir = ""; } printXML(makeXMLplaylist(url2filepath($setDir))); } else if($action=="getmysql"){ require ("wimpy.sql.php"); } else if ($action=="podcast"){ $method = "mysql"; $getMyid3info = "yes"; if(is_file('getid3.php')){ require ('getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else if (is_file('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php')){ require ('getid3'.slash.'getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; } else { //$getMyid3info = "no"; print 'You have elected to use ID3 information in the playlist.
'; print 'In order to present ID3 information you must upload the getID3
'; print 'library to your wimpy folder. The files can be found in the
'; print '"goodies" folder or downloaded from the following location:
'; print '
'; print 'Please upload all of the getID3 files to the same location as rave.php
'; exit; } $podBack = GetDirArray($WIMPY_PATH['physical'], "yes"); } else { $flashCode = ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.$wimpyHTMLpageTitle.''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= '
'.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= '
'.newline; $flashCode .= 'You need to upgrade your Flash Player'.newline; $flashCode .= '
'.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= '
'.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; $flashCode .= ''.newline; print ($flashCode); exit; } ?>